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It was during this time, his darkest hour, when Ed made one last effort: he reached out to his family priest for help. The priest told Ed something that his wife (at that point separated) had been telling him for years. He confirmed that gambling could turn into an addiction, just like drugs or alcohol. The priest referred Ed not only to a therapist, but also to Gamblers
 Anonymous (GA).

Hesitantly, Ed attended his first GA meeting. According to him, “It was like old home week. I was reunited with four or five guys I used to go to school with, as well as a few people from the racetrack who I remember thinking, really belonged there because they used to make some stupid bets.” Ed bonded with his old schoolmates and they helped him, “stay in the group, bear down and work hard.” Ed has not gambled since.




Have you ever experienced addiction, directly (self) or indirectly (family or significant other)? Please tell us about it.

Copyright © 2013 Howard J. Shaffer. All rights reserved.